Monday, June 25, 2018

Tips for GMail and Forms

In this course you will make a Form (which is a Google Survey) and discover 3 key ways you can use it in your classroom: student to student data/opinion collection, family data collection, and quick assessments. 

Then there are 4 things I'd like to show you about GMail:
Labeling (Folders)
Themes (Backgrounds)

In order to get credit for this course, you will need to send me:
a link to the Form you create or an email invitation to take it, 
        *which should have at least 2 questions with different types of responses           (Ex short answer and multiple choice)
        *and an embedded picture. 
You will also need to send me 2 screenshots in Gmail: 
        *one in contacts where you've made a group, 
        *and one where you display an advanced search. 

NONE of these 3 things (form, group, or search) need to be practical--as in ready for a real audience or use. This is an introductory course meant to move you through the product in guided practice. 
Feel free to share a comment below of how you see yourself trying a Form in your teaching next year! 


  1. I didn't know you could add co-teacher/collaborator on a google form! Super helpful for us sped teachers to know!

    1. Don't forget, you can put things in Team Drives as well.
