Welcome to an overview of the Primary Library's Digital Reading Choices.
Please review each of these short links, and send me the 3 point analysis I ask for below.
Fun Fact: Michele will visit your classroom or lead a lesson in the library that reviews any of these websites whole class! I often do such a whole class lesson with you in September because it helps iron out First Time Logging In issues and procedures.
The following websites are managed by VCSD and all students will have access:Myon
PK LifeScience
The following websites are hosted by our BOCES and need to be accessed with the password "victor" :
InfoBits Screencast, InfoBits Link
Britannica Screencast, Britannica Link
The following websites are external to Victor. The teacher will need to do setup and students will need to be guided into adding them to Classlink.
Basic RAZ
Big 3 Overview: Differences between RAZ, Myon, and Epic
How to search the bookroom for topics & levels
How to open an ebook from our catalog
In order to receive credit, you will need to send me an email linsem@victorschools.org by Aug 31 explaining which website you are planning on using whole class as an introduction to chromebooks and why, and which website you'd like to put independent learners on and why. You will also show a screenshot of something that was new learning for you. Here are two examples:
Ex: 1
Michele, I am planning on launching the year with Myon because I can ask the kids to use it as homework, and I am putting independent learners on PebbleGo because I like the emphasis on nonfiction, yet it also has motivating games. Attached is a screenshot of me exploring National Geographic Animals because I had never been to that website before.
Ex: 2
Michele, I am planning on launching the year with Epic because I like the selection of books and the interface. Independent learners will be using RAZ because I want to really interact with the assignments there. Below is my screenshot of the advanced search on RAZ because I never knew I could look for genres of materials like Readers Theatre scripts.
Again, there should be 3 items in order to get credit.
1. What product do you want to introduce your whole class to in September and why did you choose it?
2. What OTHER product will be your starting point for students who need 1:1 digital work and why did you choose it?
3. A screenshot of something that was New to Your Brain. NOTE: most keyboards have a print screen button in the upper right hand corner "prt sc" or phones can use a handswipe or tablets can use a double-button press. If you need help taking a screenshot, please email me.
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