Thursday, September 30, 2021



At minimum, this product provides high quality early literacy books for emergent readers. However, it's also a product that allows students to see their own growth, allows teachers to capture comprehension data beyond RRR, and is an effective option for virtual learning due to its greater accountability than other reading websites, including the ability to record a reader's reading. CHOICE is the number one motivator in reading, and while this product does allow for that, it uses proprietary texts instead of trade books so is not as compelling. Also, RAZ has the ability for incentives that might encourage reluctant readers.  


This workshop is for one professional credit hour.

You will receive credit when you send me a screenshot of your student roster showing the students are leveled (not in placement mode). If you don't have a class, roster yourself for the reading level you typically interact with. You must then return to Frontline to mark the course complete. Credit accepted through Sunday Oct 17. 


Please watch this 11 minute video for an overview of RAZ vs Myon vs Epic. 

After the introduction to the RAZ product, you may choose whatever videos apply to you. 

The goal of this workshop is that you will understand:

how to set up a student in your roster, 

access student comprehension data, 

use an advanced search for printable materials 

(TO PRINT: choose double sided book: print double sided, short edge), 

and have some idea of the scope of what literacy elements RAZ offers reading teachers. 


After reviewing the videos above, your task is to explore the teacher/student interfaces as needed. I hope you find something that will apply to your program. Please email me with any questions, especially if you are primary teacher who cannot access your teacher interface in classlink, as there were many rostering issues this Sept. 

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